Yep, finally. There are two files. First, the cards:
Download GameGame_cards_Release1.0_printouts.pdf (64.1K)
I hope they print out okay, I did some tweaking to the colors so that they would work better in B/W as well. I suggest they should be glued onto cardboard for better endurance.
Second, there is a rule manual, with some additional info about the concept and its premises:
Download GameGame-RuleManual.pdf (2751.8K)
Without doubt, there are rule omissions, typos, and such. Please comment on those here for version 1.1. I would be very grateful to hear about any experiences with the game. Please use the comment function so that anyone visiting can see. You can also e-mail me directly.My thanks to everyone who goes into the trouble of setting the game up!
Ph.D. Thesis available
GameGame's conceptual home, my doctoral dissertation on studying and designing games - long in the making - has finally been completed. It is available in my University's electronic series. I am working on splitting the material into two books. I write this in Bergen, Norway, where I'll be tutoring the GameGame workshop for media students for the third year in the row.